Hokulea sailing
Hokulea sailing
At 14:00 of Thursday, January 11 this month, the Hokulea title that reproduced the art of navigation of ancient Polynesia and the canoe and was made sailed from Keehiragun of the Sand island to the travel of the Pacific Ocean crossing.
It sails safely though sailing first was postponed because of the influence such as the strong winds. Micronesia and navigation for Japan started.
This navigation is assumed to be the most difficult in navigation of a current
Hokulea title.
Nainoatompson that is the mastering navigator of the Hokulea title The current also strongly has the shore reef in the sea area of the unexperience. Moreover, having achieved this navigation to train the navigator with new Hawaii, Micronesia, and Pacific Ocean the district is usually a very important meaning and is deep the deep emotion though is forecast the trouble such as the fogs not experienced. With the comment.
The navigator team that leads Thompson uses, and navigates only the art of navigation of a heavenly body and ancient Polynesia that is led naturally and is advanced.
Nature always gives us "Hint" until becoming action of the sea, the wave, the wind, the cloud, and marine organisms. It is our role to read them adequately.
Caiuranimarfe of navigator candidate life.
The art of the navigation of the tradition of Polynesia is succeeded to, and the Hocrea title to which the course is decided by the star navigation first makes a port call to the Kawaihae bay on the Hawaii island after it sails, and joins the canoe ship Aringanomais title.
Afterwards, two sails to Majuro in Micronesia spending about 24 time, and presents the Aringanomais title to Maubiilg who is the person of the navigation of the tradition of Micronesia.
Ten crew who boarded the Hocrea title of the total length about 20m and full about 5m sail Majero on the 13th, spend about five months, and navigate 7,200 miles. It is scheduled to arrive at the first port of call and Okinawa in Japan.
Polynesian Voyaging Society - 2007 Voyages Weblog
Hokulea HVCB
At 14:00 of Thursday, January 11 this month, the Hokulea title that reproduced the art of navigation of ancient Polynesia and the canoe and was made sailed from Keehiragun of the Sand island to the travel of the Pacific Ocean crossing.
It sails safely though sailing first was postponed because of the influence such as the strong winds. Micronesia and navigation for Japan started.
This navigation is assumed to be the most difficult in navigation of a current
Hokulea title.
Nainoatompson that is the mastering navigator of the Hokulea title The current also strongly has the shore reef in the sea area of the unexperience. Moreover, having achieved this navigation to train the navigator with new Hawaii, Micronesia, and Pacific Ocean the district is usually a very important meaning and is deep the deep emotion though is forecast the trouble such as the fogs not experienced. With the comment.
The navigator team that leads Thompson uses, and navigates only the art of navigation of a heavenly body and ancient Polynesia that is led naturally and is advanced.
Nature always gives us "Hint" until becoming action of the sea, the wave, the wind, the cloud, and marine organisms. It is our role to read them adequately.
Caiuranimarfe of navigator candidate life.
The art of the navigation of the tradition of Polynesia is succeeded to, and the Hocrea title to which the course is decided by the star navigation first makes a port call to the Kawaihae bay on the Hawaii island after it sails, and joins the canoe ship Aringanomais title.
Afterwards, two sails to Majuro in Micronesia spending about 24 time, and presents the Aringanomais title to Maubiilg who is the person of the navigation of the tradition of Micronesia.
Ten crew who boarded the Hocrea title of the total length about 20m and full about 5m sail Majero on the 13th, spend about five months, and navigate 7,200 miles. It is scheduled to arrive at the first port of call and Okinawa in Japan.


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